1.Lowe's勞氏簡介 美國Lowe's勞氏公司的前身是North Wilkes Hardware,是居家環(huán)境改善產(chǎn)品零售商,專門研究提供家園改善的產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)、家庭裝飾、家庭維護、家庭修理及商業(yè)大廈改造和維護,在40個州擁有約700家商店,銷售近40,000種商品,充分滿足每一位客戶的裝修需要。 在美國,許多人把Lowe's勞氏視為“窮人版”的家居貨棧。Lowe's勞氏的主要顧客群是自己動手之零售顧客和商業(yè)客戶,迎合DIY的潮流以及顧客需要,推出了從家具、工具、器械到流行的家裝產(chǎn)品等超過40000種商品。 此外,Lowe's勞氏驗廠還有豐富的特別商品目錄。 勞氏的成功之道 Lowe's勞氏公司是美國第二大家居裝飾用品連鎖店,與業(yè)界排名第一的家得寶(Home Depot)相比,各具特色。美國《財富》雜志曾這樣形容:許多人把勞氏視為“窮人版”的家居貨棧。巧合的是,兩個家居巨頭的當家人的名字都叫“羅伯特”。 于是,家居貨棧和勞氏的競爭,就變成了這兩個羅伯特之間的競爭,二人將兩個連鎖企業(yè)的競爭上升到兩種不同管理哲學和經(jīng)營策略上的較量。從各方的表現(xiàn)來看,勞氏經(jīng)營的許多方面是非常值得業(yè)界學習的。在2004年美國《商業(yè)周刊》表現(xiàn)優(yōu)異的50大企業(yè)排名中,勞氏超越了家居貨棧躋身第九名。勞氏的羅伯特采用了什么戰(zhàn)術(shù)領(lǐng)先于家居客棧的羅伯特的呢? 定位女性顧客 在提爾曼讓勞氏突破困境、獲得豐收所采取的經(jīng)營策略中,有一個十分奏效的決定:將勞氏的目標顧客轉(zhuǎn)移到女性顧客身上。 家居裝飾裝修、五金用品,這些都是感覺上只有男性才感興趣的產(chǎn)品,因此,家居貨棧把目標顧客放在了男性消費者以及建筑裝飾業(yè)專業(yè)人士的身上。但是幾年前,勞氏深入顧客研究后發(fā)現(xiàn),跟家居裝潢相關(guān)的決定,尤其是大型消費,比如更換地板、裝修浴室等,80%是由女性提出。這個發(fā)現(xiàn),讓提爾曼扭轉(zhuǎn)了勞氏前進的車頭,公司針對女性顧客進行再研究后,又有了新的發(fā)現(xiàn):女性不喜歡到感覺上像傳統(tǒng)五金材料行的店面,她們偏好寬敞、干凈、明亮、美觀、舒適的店面,一方面不會撞到產(chǎn)品或別人,另一方面有余地退后一步仔細觀看產(chǎn)品。此外,女性還喜歡有更多的產(chǎn)品選擇,尤其是高價位、精設(shè)計的商品。根據(jù)這些結(jié)果,提爾曼要求重新打扮店面,加寬走道、讓公司空氣更流通、設(shè)計店面外觀、增加更多設(shè)計師品牌,這些做法,只為了更迎合女性消費者的口味。 果然,這種柔性策略奏效了,過去女性只占勞氏顧客的1/10,到2002年,這個數(shù)字已經(jīng)增加到1/2。2004年8月,勞氏第二季度的營收增加了18%。 數(shù)據(jù)分析更勝一籌 勞氏會從每家分店收集資料,然后使用軟件整理分析,每個星期,公司將會統(tǒng)計研究以各種方式銷售的資料。與家居貨棧的仗打得越激烈,提爾曼就越需要了解自己的顧客需要什么樣的產(chǎn)品。掌握了準確詳盡的資料后,公司便可以描繪出每種產(chǎn)品的銷售史,包括利潤多少、擺放在哪個區(qū)域、如何最容易吸引顧客注意力、哪個季節(jié)賣得最好等,同時付出更多的行銷心思。在大型商品旁邊擺放小型商品,是提爾曼根據(jù)調(diào)查數(shù)據(jù)歸納出的一條陳設(shè)準則,例如冰箱的旁邊擺放果汁機,公司希望上門購買冰箱的顧客,最后買的不只是冰箱,還能順便捎上放在附近的其他小商品。提爾曼還發(fā)現(xiàn),更廣闊的店面空間策略,可以刺激產(chǎn)品的銷售量。 全職員工才有優(yōu)質(zhì)服務(wù) 勞氏的店面一般擁有100多位員工,其中80%以上都是全職,而家居貨棧比率是60%,這個數(shù)字是兩家公司采取不同策略的產(chǎn)物。家居貨棧認為,雇用更多的兼職人員能夠讓店面有更多的彈性,當銷售尖峰時間,尤其是節(jié)假日時,店面能夠依照實際需求,機動調(diào)度更多店員。但提爾曼的想法卻不同,勞氏相信,全職員工因為是長期工作,一方面會更認真地看待這份工作,進而對公司及顧客都更盡心;另一方面,他們也會更了解公司的產(chǎn)品及銷售策略,從而逐年積累出專業(yè)能力,因而能夠提供更好的服務(wù)。而且,全職員工更容易跟顧客建立長久關(guān)系,如果顧客與店員互相認識,會讓整個購物體驗更美好。此外,這樣的員工模式,才能讓勞氏達到自己設(shè)定服務(wù)標準,提爾曼想賣的不僅是單一產(chǎn)品,還有整套設(shè)備和服務(wù),只有長期且全職的員工,才比較有能力為顧客提供這樣的服務(wù)。
2.Lowe's勞氏驗廠注意事項: Lowe's勞氏驗廠分為三個部分,Lowe's人權(quán)驗廠,Lowe's質(zhì)量驗廠,Lowe's反恐驗廠,基本上Lowe's三項都是每年審核一次。 其中Lowe's人權(quán)驗廠是偷襲的,不通知日期,只告知一個大致的審核日期范圍,這個對工廠來說比較麻煩,不過我們有辦法追查到具體審核日期。 其中Lowe's品質(zhì)又分為兩個標準FC和QMS,F(xiàn)C相對簡單的標準,QMS比較難,要求要使用到五大工具,帶電的產(chǎn)品是做QMS標準。 Lowe's反恐相對簡單點。
Lowe's三項的第三方審核公司也是指定了的,比如SGS等。 Lowe's三項人權(quán),質(zhì)量,反恐都是獨立審核的,獨立出具審核報告。 Lowe's三項審核通過以后還需要針對問題點作整改,整改通過以后才算是結(jié)案。
3.Lowe's勞氏社會責任審核清單: 1.公司概括簡介-人員/產(chǎn)量/產(chǎn)值/(品牌)市場分布Factory profile/Employee No.& structure/Production capability/(Brands)Marketing; 2.公司組織架構(gòu)圖 Organization chart; 3.廠區(qū)/廠房平面圖 Factory floor plans; 4.營業(yè)執(zhí)照 Business license; 5.員工手冊/廠紀廠規(guī)及處罰記錄 Employee manual/handbook,Factory rules & regulations/ Disciplinary practices policy and Records; 6.宿舍規(guī)章制度 Dormitory regulations; 7.招工指引/程序 Recruitment policies & procedures; 8.人事記錄/員工入廠登記/花名冊(所有員工 含派遣工、臨時工等)Employees' personal files/ Employment registration/roster (all employees,including dispatched employees and temporary employees etc); 9.勞動合同(所有員工) Labor contracts (all employees); 10.未成年工人體檢 &員工 職業(yè)健康體檢 Young worker health examination & occupational health examination records,(if applicable); 11.未成年工名單/登記證/工作安排規(guī)定 List of young workers/ registration approval from local labor bureau/regulations on shift arrangement for young workers; 12.請假單 Leave records; 13.離職記錄 Resignation records; 14.獎懲記錄/警告信 Awards & Penalty Records/Warning notification letters; 15.工會組織會議記錄/工會代表選舉程序及其職責/工人投訴處理程序及記錄 Meeting minutes of union/Selection program and Responsibility of workers’ Rep./Complaint& handling record; 16.工作時間記錄(12個月) Time cards/attendant records(12 months); 17.休假記錄(有薪年假/女工產(chǎn)假/婚喪假)Leave records(Paid annual leave/Maternity leave/Marriage& Funeral leave ) 18.綜合計時批文/加班批文 Consolidated working hours permit by local labor bureau/Extended Overtime Hours Waiver 19.當?shù)卣畹凸べY文件 Legal/ Local official minimum wage document 20.工資表(12個月) (含工人簽名) Payroll records with employees' signatures (12 months) 21.記件工生產(chǎn)(臺班)記錄/計件工資表 Production records of piece rate workers/Piece rate records 22.工資扣除/罰款記錄 Wage deduction/Penalty records 23.生產(chǎn)記錄,如生產(chǎn)日報表,斷針記錄,品檢記錄等 Production records, such as Daily Production Records, Needle Broken Records, Quality Control Records and etc. 24.社會保險繳付憑證和參保符合性批文/社保登記證/社保購買花名冊Social security insurance (injury/retirement/medical/unemployment etc.) payment receipts/ invoice/Approval from local government/Registration certificate/personnel list 25.公司的健康安全政策/規(guī)章制度 Health & safety policy/ Regulations and rules 26.房屋建筑工程竣工驗收報告/備案表 Certificate of Inspection for Completed Building Construction/ Registration Records 27.廠房消防驗收合格證/報告 Fire-Fighting Acceptance Inspection Certificate/ Report 28.消防應(yīng)急預(yù)案/程序,消防演習記錄(含照片)Fire drill program & records and fire evacuation plan & procedure (inlcuding pictures) 29.食堂衛(wèi)生許可證/食堂員工健康證 Sanitation Permit for Kitchen/ Health Certificate of kitchen employee 30.急救人員資格證書 Trained first aider certificate 31.醫(yī)護人員執(zhí)業(yè)資格證書 Qualified certificate of doctor or nurse 32.工傷醫(yī)療事故處理記錄/再發(fā)生防范措施 Accident,injury reports & records/Precaution Measures on Reocurrence 33.電梯等起重設(shè)備:使用登記證/驗收/年檢合格證(如:電動葫蘆/電動叉車) Register of elevator & lift and annual inspection certificate 34.鍋爐,壓力容器使用登記證/年檢合格證 Register of pressure vessels & boilers and annual inspection certificate 35.特種作業(yè)人員(叉車/電工/電焊工/司爐工等)資格(操作)證書Specialized safety training certificate( Valid safety operation certificate of Lift / Forklift vehicle /Qualified Electrician/ Electric welding operator certificate/Operator certificate of boiler) 36.化學品清單/化學危險品倉許可/(儲存物控記錄)/List of chemical/Approval certificate of chemical warehouse/register & storage record 37.安全防范應(yīng)急措施/物料安全數(shù)據(jù)表 Chemical Safety Precuation Measures/MSDS (material safety data sheet) of dangerous chemicals 38.化學危險品倉管員上崗培訓證書/培訓記錄 Qualified certificate/Training records for the keeper of dangerous chemicals warehouse 39.工作場所職業(yè)危害因素(空氣質(zhì)量/噪聲等)評價報告 The hazadous elements (air quality and noise etc.)evaluation report for Workplace 40.健康安全以及懲戒措施方面的會議記錄Meeting Minutes of joint committees on OHS and disciplinary matters 41.危險廢棄物處理合同,處置單位的營業(yè)執(zhí)照,經(jīng)營許可,危險廢棄物轉(zhuǎn)移記錄等 Dangerous Waste Handling Service Agreement/Contract, Business license or Business Permit of Dangerous Waste Collector, Transport records etc 42.環(huán)境評估報告 Environment evaluation report (如建設(shè)項目環(huán)境影響評價文件(環(huán)境影響報告書,環(huán)境影響報告表或者環(huán)境影響登記表),環(huán)評批復(fù),建設(shè)項目竣工驗收報告,排污許可證/排放污染物申報登記/監(jiān)測報告等)(e.g. Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA)Documents (Environmental Impact Report, Environmental Impact Report Form or fill out Environmental Impact Registraction Form), EIA Approval, Acceptance Check of Environmental Protection of Construction Projects, Pollutant Discharging Permit/ Declaration Form of Pollutants Discharged/ Monitoring Report etc) 43.緊急預(yù)案 Emergency action procedures (如,危險化學品事故急救預(yù)案或演習 dangerous chemical emergency succor plan or drill) 44.工廠政策文件關(guān)于:商業(yè)廉政/反腐敗, 禁止使用童工(含童工補救措施), 工作時間, 懲戒措施,工資福利,健康安全,環(huán)境保護,員工培訓,反歧視等 • Facility policies: • Business Integrity • Child labour • Wage and hours of work • Disciplinary • Benefits and allowances • Health & Safety • Environment • Training • Discrimination and harassment
45.其他文件(視乎審核情況所需,以審核員現(xiàn)場要求為準) Other documents/records (subject to actual circumstances during the audit, please provide per auditor's requirement)
4.Lowe's勞氏質(zhì)量驗廠審核清單: 1、工廠簡介 Brief introduction of factory 2、營業(yè)執(zhí)照 Business license 3、公司組織架構(gòu)圖 Organization chart 4、(公司)廠區(qū)/廠房平面圖 Factory’s plane figure-factory floor plans 5、生產(chǎn)工序流程圖 Production process chart 質(zhì)量管理體系(Quality management system) 6、ISO9000證書及最近一次外審報告ISO 9000 certificate and the last external audit reports 7、質(zhì)量手冊 Quality manual 8、程序文件 Procedure 9、質(zhì)量計劃 Quality program 10、文件更改收發(fā)記錄 Documents control records 管理職責(Management responsibility) 11、質(zhì)量方針政策 Quality Polity 12、管理評審記錄 Management review records 13、客戶滿意度評估流程 Customer satisfaction evaluation procedure 14、客戶投訴處理記錄 Complaint handling procedure and records 資源管理(Resource management) 15、員工培訓計劃 Worker training plan 16、員工質(zhì)量培訓記錄 Worker quality training records 產(chǎn)品實現(xiàn)(Planning of product realization) 17、先期產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量策劃運行相關(guān)文件 APQP implemented documents 18、針對勞氏產(chǎn)品的過程潛在失效模式及后果分析 PFMEA for Lowe's products 19、控制計劃 Control Plan 20、標準樣板流程程序(Documented process of master sample) 21、作業(yè)指導書 Working instructions 客戶相關(guān)流程(Customer-related processes) 22、訂單評審和客戶關(guān)注程序及記錄 Order review and customer focus procedure and records 設(shè)計和開發(fā)(Design and development) 23、開發(fā)設(shè)計控制程序Design control procedure 24、設(shè)計計劃或任務(wù)書及審核記錄 Design planning and input review record 25、驗證和確認記錄 verification and validation records 26、設(shè)計產(chǎn)品檢測報告 design testing and record 27、設(shè)計輸出(技術(shù)文件,物料單, 包裝、使用說明)Design output (technical file, BOM, Packing and using description) 28、設(shè)計變更記錄 (ECN) 采購(Purchasing) 29、供應(yīng)商評審程序及記錄Monitoring procedure and records of suppliers 30、供應(yīng)商清單/合格供應(yīng)商清單Suppliers list and qualified supplier list 31、采購單、采購合同 Purchase orders and purchase contracts 32、來料中免檢產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量保證書Quality guaranty for exempt from inspection of incoming material/Receiving and distribution 33、來料驗貨標準及規(guī)格書IQC standard and specifications 34、來料檢查、測試報告 IQC reports 35、來料收發(fā)記錄Incoming material/Receiving and distribution records 生產(chǎn)和服務(wù)的提供(Production and service provision) 36、設(shè)備維護計劃流程 Equipment planed maintainence process 37、設(shè)備維護時間表及記錄 Equipment maintainence schedule and records 38、儀器,設(shè)備,量具包裝及保存程序 Procedure providing for packaging and preservation of Equipment, tooling, gaging 39、巡拉記錄 In line inspection records 40、IPQC檢驗測試標準、記錄 IPQC inspection standard and records 41、終檢檢驗測試標準、記錄 FQC/OQC inspection standard and reports/ Defect goods control records 42、發(fā)貨記錄 Release records 監(jiān)視和測量設(shè)備的控制(Control monitoring and measuring equipment) 43、儀器設(shè)備校驗程序 Testing/measuring equipment calibration procedure 44、儀器設(shè)備校驗計劃 Testing/measuring equipment calibration plan 45、儀器設(shè)備清單、內(nèi)外校記錄報告 Testing/measuring equipments calibration records 46、測量系統(tǒng)分析相關(guān)文件/記錄 Document and record of MSA 47.條碼掃描儀及條碼檢查程序及記錄 Barcode scanners and barcode verification procedure and record 監(jiān)控和測量(Monitoring and measurement) 48.內(nèi)部審核計劃、記錄 Internal audit plan and records 49.過程變更或作業(yè)變更相關(guān)記錄 Process change or changeover related records 50.關(guān)鍵產(chǎn)品/過程特性測量、控制、改進計劃及相關(guān)記錄 The plan and records for measurement, control, improvement of key Product/Process Characteristics (KPCs) 51.關(guān)鍵產(chǎn)品/過程特性統(tǒng)計控制圖表 SPC charts of Key Product/Process Characteristics 52.安全/可靠性測試報告 Safety / Reliability Testing reports/records 不合格品的控制 (Control of nonconforing product) 53.第三方年度檢測報告 Third party annual testing report 54.不良品處理記錄 Rejected goods control records 55.不良品退貨、讓步接收記錄 Control procedure and concession records for defect goods 持續(xù)改進(Improvement) 56.糾正與預(yù)防措施記錄/報告 Records/Reports of corrective actions and preventative action
5.Lowe's勞氏反恐驗廠審核清單 Section I: Physical Security and Access Controls 第一部分:實體安全和訪問控制 Purpose: To ensure that the facility has implemented effective physical security and access controls to prevent unauthorized access to the premises,buildings,and conveyances. 目的:確保工廠執(zhí)行了有效果的實體安全和訪問控制,預(yù)防對建筑物,運輸工具進行未授權(quán)的訪問 Requirements要求 1.Establish written physical security standards. 建立書面的實體安全標準 2.Ensure the facility has adequate perimeter fencing or natural barriers which are periodically inspected for damage or compromise. 確保工廠有適當?shù)臇艡诨蛱烊黄琳,并定期檢查其完好性 3.Place security warning signage throughout the facility. 放置安全警報在全廠所有區(qū)域 4.Ensure that all buildings are constructed with materials that resist unlawful entry and provide protection from outside intrusion. 確保所有建筑物的材料是能抵抗非法入侵和提供對外界闖入的保護 5.Establish a segregated waiting area for drivers within the facility. 建立一個獨立的駕駛員休息室 6.Ensure that adequate exterior lighting is utilized, including any parking lots. 確保適當?shù)耐獠空彰,包括停車?/p> 7.Ensure that all doors/windows/openings are locked to prevent unauthorized access to the facility after regular business hours. 確保所有門/窗戶和出口能被鎖上,以預(yù)防在休息時間對工廠未授權(quán)的訪問 8.Monitor exterior building, docks, and yards with CCTV that is either monitored or has recording capabilities. 建筑物,裝柜區(qū)和廠區(qū)內(nèi)有CCTV時時監(jiān)控或能錄像 9.Employ on-site security officers, Identify scope of coverage and patrols.雇用專職保安巡邏 10.Establish inspection of personal belongings upon entry and exit from the facility for both visitors and employees. 建立對來訪者和員工進出工廠時進行財物檢查 Section II: Employee, Visitor and Vendor Access 第二部分:員工,來訪者和供應(yīng)商訪問 Purpose: To ensure that all employees are properly screened before hiring to the fullest extent allowed by law; to ensure that all employees receive security training; and to ensure that all terminated employees are restricted from entering the facility. 目的:確保所有員工在雇用前,在法律允許的范圍內(nèi)作了適當?shù)暮Y選,確保所有員工得到安全培訓;確保阻止所有離職員工進行工廠 Requirements要求 1.Establish controls to prevent unauthorized vehicles from entering the premises. 建立控制預(yù)防未授權(quán)的車輛闖入 2.Provide means of identification(badges, passes, labels, tags or photo identification)for all employees and authorized visitors. 提供方法識別所有員工和授權(quán)來訪者(如證件,卡片,標簽或照片) 3.Provide means of identification(badges,passes,labels,tags or photo identification)for all visitors and contractors. 提供方法識別所有來訪者和供應(yīng)商(如證件,卡片,標簽或照片) 4.Establish means to positively identify drivers through photo identification or other means. 通過圖片或其他方法識別司機 5.Establish a process for handling terminated employees or contractor and preventing subsequent access to the premises. 建立處理辭職工人員和終止的供應(yīng)商的程序,預(yù)防后續(xù)的訪問 6.Establish procedures to ensure unauthorized and unidentified persons are challenged and prevented access to the yard, shipping and receiving areas, and conveyances. 建立程序確保預(yù)防未授權(quán)和未經(jīng)確認的人員進入工廠,出貨和收貨區(qū)和運輸工具 7.Establish procedures to prevent personal vehicles from being parked in the truck pad, shipping, receiving and cargo areas. 建立程序預(yù)防私家車停放在貨車,出貨和收貨區(qū)域 Section III: Human Resource 第三部分:人力資源 Purpose: To ensure that all employees are properly screened before hiring to the fullest extent allowed by law; to ensure that all terminated employees are restricted from entering the facility. 目的:確保所有員工在雇用前在法律允許范圍內(nèi)作適當?shù)谋尘罢{(diào)查,確保所有辭退人員被阻止進入工廠 1.Conduct pre-employment background checks on all prospective employees to the fullest extent possible allowed by law in the country where employed. Include criminal checks wherever possible. 所有員工在雇用前作法律許可范圍內(nèi)的背景調(diào)查,包括用無犯罪記錄 2.Conduct pre-employment background checks on all temporary or cntract personnel to the fullest extent possible allowed by law in the country where employed. Include criminal checks wherever possible. 所有臨時或合同員工在雇用前作法律許可范圍內(nèi)的背景調(diào)查,包括用無犯罪記錄 3.Conduct drug testing (as allowed by law in the country where employed) on all employees and temporary or contract workers. 對所有臨時或合同工人進行藥物檢測(在法律允許的情況下) 4.Conduct security training as part of a new employee orientation as well as on an annual basis for all existing employees. 對新員工進行安全培訓,并每年對所有員工培訓一次 5.Issue employee conduct guidelines or other documented code of conduct instructions to all employees. 公布員工行為準則或其他書面的行為指導給所有員工 6.Establish a system which encourages and rewards employees for reporting anomalies and/or wrongdoings. 建立制度鼓勵和獎賞員工報告異常事件和(或)不良行為。 Section IV: Shipping and Receiving Procedures 第四部分:出貨和收貨程序 Purpose: To ensure that receiving and shipping practices prevent the theft of cargo or the introduction of unmanifested materials. 目的:確保收貨和出貨操作安全,預(yù)防貨物偷竊或未購貨物進入工廠 Requirements要求 1.Conduct pre-stuffing inspection on all empty containers to ensure integrity of container for shipping purposed and to detect concealed areas within container structure. 對所有空柜進行檢查確保貨柜的完整性和發(fā)現(xiàn)貨柜的隱蔽區(qū)域。 2.Establish a restricted-access area for shipping and receiving areas which allows only authorized employee access.建立對出貨和收貨區(qū)的限制訪問,只允許授權(quán)人員訪問 3.Establish written security procedures for shipping and receiving operations which prevent cargo loss and/or the introduction of unauthorized or unmanifested material. 建立收貨和出貨安全運作程序,預(yù)防貨物丟失或未授權(quán)或未申報的貨物進入。 4.Establish procedures which require that all unauthorized persons be removed from the shipping and receiving area. 建立程序要求所有未授權(quán)人員不得進入收貨和出貨區(qū)域 5.Ensure that loading and unloading of trucks, trailers and/or containers is supervised appropriately. 確保裝載和未裝載的貨車,貨柜得到適當?shù)墓芾?/p> 6.Maintain records of incoming and outgoing goods. 保持進出貨物的記錄 7.Ensure conveyance integrity for containers/trailers/railcars in order to prevent the introduction of unauthorized persons or materials. 確保貨柜/拖車等運輸工具的完整性,預(yù)防未授權(quán)人員或物料的訪問 8.Utilize containers/trailers that are of solid wall construction and in good working order. 貨柜或拖車是實體結(jié)構(gòu)并處理良好的工作狀態(tài) 9.Establish procedures to ensure that trailers/containers/railcars are properly sealed and or locked prior to leaving the facility. 建立程序確保拖車/貨柜在離開工廠前是適當密封或上鎖的 10.Establish procedures which record and track use of seal numbers. 建立程序確保記錄和追溯封條的使用 11.Establish procedures to ensure that manifests or bills of lading area complete, legible, accurate and meeting the requirements of advance notification(i.e.24 Hour rule.) 建立程序確保裝貨清單是完整的,清晰的,準確的并能滿足預(yù)定的要求 12.Establish a procedure for detecting and reporting overages and shortages. 建立程序發(fā)現(xiàn)和報告超多和短少 13.Establish procedures which require proper marking, counting, weighing(if necessary)for reporting on the transport document or manifest. 建立程序要求在運輸單或裝貨單上報告適當?shù)臉俗R,數(shù)量,重量(如果必要) 14.Retain control of all unused seals. 保持對未使用的封條的控制 15.Establish anti-pilferage measurements. 建立反偷竊的方法 16.Establish storage area for empty and full containers so as to restrict opportunity to introduce unmanifested or unauthorized materials or persons. 設(shè)置空柜和滿柜停放區(qū)域,以便限定未申報或未報權(quán)的貨物或人員進入 17.Establish a storage area for international, domestic, high-value and dangerous goods within a cages, fences or restricted areas. 在有柵欄或受限的區(qū)域里設(shè)置國際,國內(nèi),高價值和危險貨物儲存區(qū)域 Section V: Security Management System 第五部分:安全管理制度 Purpose: To ensure that individuals responsible for security have been identified, that security responsibilities have been clearly defined, that security policies and procedures are documented, that liaison and communication protocols with law enforcement have been established, and that random unannounced security assessments are performed. 目的:確保安全人員被識別,安全職責清楚的定義,安全方針和程序書面規(guī)定,建立于當?shù)貓?zhí)法機構(gòu)溝通和通信協(xié)議,執(zhí)行隨機的未通知的安全評估 Requirements要求 1.Designate manager or supervisor with security responsibilities for the company. Reflect this in writing, such as job description or security procedure. 書面指定公司的安全管理人員,如工作說明書或安全程序 2.Assign or designate a security representative for each facility. 指定一名安全代表 3.Establish written security policies and procedures to include physical security, access controls, personnel security, education and awareness, manifest and conveyance security and the handling of incoming and outgoing goods to identify overages and shortages or the introduction of unmanifested or illegal goods. 建立書面的安全方針和程序包括實體安全,訪問控制,人員安全,知識教育,載貨單和運輸工具安全和處理進出貨物,確定貨物數(shù)量超多和短少或未申報的或違法貨物 4.Document processes for reporting and/or investigating security-related incidents. Include any reporting to law enforcement, if warranted. 報告和調(diào)查安全事故的書面程序,如果有證據(jù),包括對法律實施的報告, 5.Establish working relationship with local law enforcement agencies. 建立與當?shù)貓?zhí)法機構(gòu)的工作聯(lián)系 6.Establish internal and external communication systems to notify internal security personnel and law enforcement in the event of a security incident. 建立發(fā)生安全事故時,通報內(nèi)部保安人員和當?shù)貓?zhí)法機構(gòu)的內(nèi)外溝通制度 7.Conduct periodic internal reviews or audits of security operations. Document the results of these reviews. 進行定期的內(nèi)部安全評審,記錄評審結(jié)果 8.Based on internal reviews or audits, establish a security improvement plan, if warranted. 在內(nèi)部評審后,制定一個安全改善記錄 9.Provide any subcontract transportation or other service providers with documented minimum security requirements. 提供對所有轉(zhuǎn)包合同輸送或其他服務(wù)供應(yīng)者書面的最低安全要求 Section VI: Data Security Management 第六部分:數(shù)據(jù)安全管理 Purpose: To ensure that processes are in place to ensure the integrity of information technology(computer systems and business data) and to prevent and/or address unauthorized access, tampering or altering of business data. 目的:確保有適當?shù)某绦蛐畔⒓夹g(shù)(電腦系統(tǒng)和商業(yè)數(shù)據(jù))的完整性,預(yù)防未授權(quán)的訪問,對商業(yè)數(shù)據(jù)的侵害 Requirements要求 1.Establish controls to prevent unauthorized access to computer systems. 建立控制預(yù)防對電腦系統(tǒng)未授權(quán)的訪問 2.Document information technology security policies and procedures, and provide those to employees in the form of training. 文件信息技術(shù)安全方針和程序,并提供這方面的培訓給員工 3.Establish controls to identify and address the abuse of information technology. 建立控制以識別對信息技術(shù)的濫用
友情提示: 上海傾禹企業(yè)管理咨詢有限公司為您全程打經(jīng)濟省錢省心的驗廠與認證方案,一對一全程跟蹤,全程輔導,指定驗廠與認證伙伴,讓您快速通過驗廠,快速拿到證書,快速贏得客戶訂單。
上海傾禹企業(yè)管理咨詢有限公司已先后在上海市,江蘇省,浙江省,安徽省,山東省,湖北省,湖南省,河北省,河南省,陜西省,北京市,天津市,遼寧省,吉林省,黑龍江省,內(nèi)蒙古自治區(qū),新疆,福建省,江西省,廣東省,四川省,寧夏等省市成功輔導了多家工廠的社會責任驗廠人權(quán)驗廠,品質(zhì)驗廠,反恐驗廠,體系認證,取得了非常好的成果,積累了良好的信譽,任何有關(guān)驗廠與認證的疑難雜癥問題歡迎隨時隨地來電咨詢。 |
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